[Running Ever Laughter 傳遞快樂到肯亞 8/8] 旅途最終站
非常旅人Clara, Vivian, Eric在旅程的最後一日, 繼續為跑手送贈物資, 獲得跑手們發自內心的感謝, 旅人們深受感動, 分享Running Ever Laughter的計劃初衷, 除了傳遞快樂的意義, 亦反思全球資源分配不均的問題…
M21 Young Travellers Clara, Vivian and Eric continues to deliver the running gears until the last day of the journey. They were moved by the smiling faces of runners. The experience in this journey recalled them about the initial purpose of the trip, and the insufficient resources of Kenyan gifted runners also brought out the global issue, the uneven distribution of resources…